Get Local’s newest addition to our local seo playbook now includes yelp marketing. Like it or not Yelp is here to stay. There has been a growing number of business owners who despise yelp and those who love it. If yelp is leveraged properly it can be one of the biggest sources to generate leads to your business. If you are among the many outraged business owners plagued with only negative yelp reviews on your business profile we hope this article will help you improve your yelp rankings and reputation. If you not so much a “do it yourself-er” contact Get Local to discuss your yelp marketing.
There is only one clear strategy when it comes to removing your negative yelp reviews. Unfortunately there is now way to remove a negative review but we can bury the bad review further down the list by supplying a steady flow of real and positive yelp reviews.
While we can’t spill the beans on all our yelp marketing secrets, we can shed a little light on the subject. If your familiar with the yelp review filter and experienced it’s wrath you will notice not only your fake reviews are getting black listed even the positive reviews. The ugly truth is if your customer posts an great review about you but is not a regular or full time yelper your review will fall under spam. So how does Get Local get around this problem? Yes, we do have a private network of elite yelpers who just so happen to love your business and will love to share their positive experience to the yelp community. Along with our network we have a yelp marketing strategy to help you achieve a steady stream of real customers reviews that actually stick and will not be victim to the filtered reviews of Yelp.
If you are a dentist, lawyer, plastic surgeon or any type of small business owner having positive reviews on yelp is key to growing your business.
How does yelp reviews work.